Farinon Business Park
Farinon Business Park is a three building office project; two existing and one recently completed. Building I is a singe story flex office building that is 100% leased to Solventum. Building II is a LEED and Energy Star certified two story class A office building that is 80% leased to EY with 10,085 SF still available for lease. Building III is a two story class A office building, recently completed that features 86,020 SF available for lease. Building II has 6.3/1000 parking ratio and Building III has 7/1000 parking with covered parking available, a Hill Country feel with native oak trees and outdoor seating areas and is gated with controlled access. Farinon is located near the intersection of IH-10 and DeZavala Road in the North West sub-market of San Antonio.


Farinon Business Park I

5850 Farinon Drive
San Antonio, TX 78249

Farinon Business Park II

Farinon Business Park III

5818 Farinon Drive
San Antonio, TX 78249

Fairnon Business Park I

Fully Leased

Farinon Business Park II

Farinon Business Park III

